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Mind, body and soul in balance

I have had the great pleasure of receiving a beautiful gift in the form of a very special diary for 2021. The overall theme is to honor the warrior in you. In my diary each month has a focus theme and as a tribute I have decided to honor each months focus theme or chapter if you will.

January - Joy

Week one, 4 - 10 January will focus on the following question.

What is joy to you?

What does it look or feel like, is there anything you need to release to make space for joy in your life? What will happen if you let go of the thing robing you of your joy?

I believe that joy is a feeling of pleasure, delight and happiness, I also believe that you are responsible to create this feeling for yourself. So this feeling/s radiates through your entire life and space. It is the foundation from where you operate, make good decisions and have a better perspective.

Take this week and see if you can identify what joy is for you and if you need more joy in your life what do you need to do, change or even walk away from. (By the way, walking away sounds much worse than it truly is and often we are lead to believe, either by ourselves or others that we can't do it. I promise, you have the strength to leave, walk away, change or make different choices. You will not only survive you'll be OK.)

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